Thursday, October 29, 2009


So it has been forever since I wrote. Life is crazy as usual. Update....Wyatt was born Oct 24, he is doing well and Ang is feeling much better now that he is out! He looks just like Lucy when she was born. Other news Nathan is now gone he left the first week of Oct. It has been weird without him here. It is sad that he moved back to Seattle and is so far away now :( The kids are adjusting to Middle School, they had their first dance already and had a great time! Matthew and I celebrated our 15th anniversary a few weeks ago. WOW 15 years, where has the time gone? The biggest news of life would be is I was transfered from Spotswood to Brock Road. I am not sure of the "real" reason but I believe that I was moved because the teacher and I could not get along and my principal did not fight for me. It was the saddest yet happiest moment of my life....
The new school is great, I miss my friends and the kids I have grown to love, but it was a good move! I know this in my heart! I am not sure what is to come that remains to be seen......

until next time

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